Special sessions > Special session 1


 Special Sessions 1 (SS1):

Title: Marine Hybrid Power and Propulsion Systems and Key Enabling Technologies


  • Mehdi Zadeh, (primary contact person), Department of Marine Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, mehdi.zadeh@ntnu.no
  • Jon Are Suul, SINTEF Energy Research & Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, Jon.A.Suul@sintef.no
  • Marta Molinas, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, marta.molinas@ntnu.no


Special session theme:

Hybrid power systems are under rapid development for the applications in marine propulsion to realize the zero- and low-emission transport. Such onboard power systems are established based on key enabling technologies, energy storage systems (battery and supercapacitor), fuel cells and power conversion systems for DC power distribution. To be technically and economically viable, the development of such systems is depending on advanced control and monitoring techniques. With a widespread use of power electronics and highly dynamic load demand, power system stability can be a major challenge along with the efficiency of the entire powertrain and lifetime of the power components. To tackle the upcoming challenges, new models need to be developed to describe the system behavior, new control and monitoring platforms are to be established to reach the improved energy efficiency and lifetime, and innovative design solutions are needed for cost reduction and performance optimization.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Configurations and power system architectures for marine hybrid propulsion systems
  • Modeling, control, and stability analysis of DC power distribution systems
  • Solid-state breakers and protection methods for DC ship power systems
  • Reliability and efficiency analysis of onboard power systems and components
  • Monitoring, system-level control and cyber-security of marine power systems
  • Application of fuel cells systems in onboard power systems
  • Application of battery storage systems in onboard power systems
  • Power and energy management for hybrid ship power systems
  • Design, modelling and control of emerging onboard power electronic conversion systems
  • Harmonic and oscillation analysis of onboard power systems and mitigation measures (state of standards)






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