Special sessions > Special session 5


Special Sessions 5 (SS5):

Title: Design and Optimization Methods in Complex Electrical Systems


  • Salvy Bourguet, (primary contact person), Université de Nantes, IREENA, France, salvy.bourguet@univ-nantes.fr
  • Benoit Delinchant, Université Grenoble Alpes, G2Elab, benoit.delinchant@G2ELab.grenoble-inp.fr


Special session theme:

This special session aims at taking into account the couplings and interactions between components of the same system, as well as with the physical and socio-economic contexts is necessary for the implementation of design and/or management processes, leading to the optimization of the overall performance of the system.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Interactions with the environment: modelling of mission profiles, cost, taking into account standards, system ergonomics.
  • Integration of the control level in the design process: modelling and optimisation of the control of static converters and actuators, hybridisation strategies, component/control interactions, energy management strategy for building systems and micro-grids.
  • Modelling of ageing, environmental impact, life cycle.
  • Design and optimization methodologies and tools: sensitivity analysis, robustness, reliability of solutions.
  • System aspects with multi-tool and multi-actor approaches: co-modelling, co-simulation, co-design.







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