Special sessions > Special session 4


Special Sessions 4 (SS4):

Title: Energy Storage Systems: advanced modelling, simulation, control and diagnostic techniques


  • Giuseppe La Tona, Institute of Marine Engineering of National Research Council (CNR), Italy. giuseppe.latona@cnr.it
  • Massimiliano Luna (primary contact person), Institute of Marine Engineering of National Research Council (CNR), Italy. massimiliano.luna@cnr.it
  • Walter Zamboni, DIEM - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione ed Elettrica e Matematica Applicata, Università degli studi di Salerno, Italy. wzamboni@unisa.it


Special session theme:

The use of Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) is pervasive in many application domains such as e-mobility, robots and drones, renewable energy systems, and micro/nanogrids. ESSs are complex and expensive systems that, in addition to the physical storage device, encompass suitable AC/DC or DC/DC power electronic converters to process the energy flow. Advanced mathematical modelling, new simulation approaches to system dynamics, and online algorithms for diagnostics and estimation of State of Charge/Health (SOC/SOH) play a pivotal role in understanding and predicting the behavior of ESSs at short, medium, and long timescales. As such, they are fundamental to devise suitable control systems or management strategies for ESSs ensuring adequate performance in terms of efficiency, autonomy, reliability, and safety.

This special session is aimed at presenting the latest advances and developments in ESS technologies of different kind (batteries of various chemistry, supercapacitors, hydrogen storage, flywheels, etc.), with particular reference to advanced modeling, accurate simulation, high-performance linear and nonlinear control systems, accurate SOC/SOH estimation methods, and advanced ESS diagnostic and management techniques.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • advanced electrical and thermal models for ESSs
  • parameter identification techniques for ESS models
  • Hardware in the Loop simulation and emulation of ESSs
  • high-performance linear and nonlinear control techniques for ESSs and the related power converters
  • Battery Management Systems / Energy Management Systems
  • hybrid generation and storage systems
  • supercapacitor and hybrid supercapacitor modeling
  • electrolyzers supply and control, and hydrogen storage technologies
  • applications of flywheel ESSs
  • EIS and other advanced diagnostics of ESSs

advanced algorithms and non-intrusive sensors for real-time SOC/SOH estimation






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