Special sessions > Special session 11

Special Sessions 11 (SS11):   

Title: Power-Electronics Multi Converter Systems: design tools and industrial applications 


  • Guillaume GATEAU (primary contact person)Université Paul Sabatier, Laplace, INP-Toulouse/ ENSEEIHT, France, Guillaume.Gateau@laplace.univ-tlse.fr 
  • Bertrand REVOL, Safran Tech, France, bertrand.revol@safrangroup.com 
  • Yves LEMBEYE, G2ELab, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France, Yves.Lembeye@g2Elab.grenoble-inp.fr 


Special session theme: 

Multicell converters as well as multi-converter systems enables using standard basic bricks to address numerous applications from low to high power. For instance, it enables to challenge a high voltage rate specification using attractive low voltage rate power components. Similarly, when galvanic isolation is mandatory, high performance planar transformer may be selected and combined to achieve high power conversion.  

Beyond the technical aspect, this option gives high opportunity to highly decrease design, manufacturing and maintenance costs. 

However, many research efforts are still required to fully understand the interactions between each single cell. It is crucial to optimize the routing as well as many passive components. It is also a key issue to define the adequate control architecture and the related control laws. 


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

  • System global analysis deduced from the description of the elementary converter 
  • Refined HF modelling to address EMC issues related to modules interconnection. 
  • Technical solutions and components optimization to take advantage of the modularity of the multi-converter power system. (With the aim to enhance, for example, and without limitation, power density, cost, power efficiency) 
  • Identification of the control degrees of freedom and control variables optimization to improve the performances of the overall system. 
  • Resilient control architecture dedicated to multi-converter power systems. 
  • Technological aspects of power partitioning: module interconnection, cooling system mutualization, factor scaling limitation, specific component integration (GaN transistors, planar transformer) 
  • Power scaling: Benefits, drawbacks and optimization. 
  • Industrial application and related implementation in which power-partitioning structures bring key competitive benefits. 
  • Integrated modular machine drives. 
  • Life cycle analysis (LCA) of multi-converter systems. 








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