TECHNICAL TRACK 1 TT1-Modeling and simulation of power electronics converters
Track chairs:
- Seiichiro Katsura, Keio University, Dept. of System Design Engineering, Yokohama, Japan, katsura@sd.keio.ac.jp
- Nicolas Patin, UTC Compiègne, LEC, Compiègne, France, nicolas.patin@utc.fr
Topics: This track includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
- Analysis, Emerging materials/Components for power electronics converters
- Electromagnetic compatibility
- Sensors for power electronics converters
- Design and optimisation of power electronics converters
TECHNICAL TRACK 2 TT2-Modeling and simulation of electrical machines and electromagnetic devices
Track chairs:
- Georges Barakat, Université Le Havre Normandie, GREAH, Le Havre, France, georges.barakat@univ-lehavre.fr
- Noureddine Takorabet, Université de Lorraine, GREEN, Nancy, France, noureddine.takorabet@univ-lorraine.fr
Topics: This track includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
- Modeling and simulation of electrical machines
- Modeling and simulation of electromagnetic devices
- Analytic models in electromagnetic devices
TECHNICAL TRACK 3 TT3-Control and power management of electrical systems
Track chairs:
- João Pedro Trovão, University of Sherbrooke, e-TESC Lab, Sherbrooke, Canada, Joao.Pedro.Fernandes.Trovao@usherbrooke.ca
- Bruno Francois, Ecole Centrale de Lille, L2EP, Lille, France, bruno.francois@centralelille.fr
Topics: This track includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
- Real time simulation methods
- Modeling and control methods applied to electrical systems
- Hardware in the loop emulation of electrical systems
- Fuel cell systems
- Identification/diagnostic/prognostic techniques applied to electrical systems
TECHNICAL TRACK 4 TT4-Microgrids&smart grids
Track chairs:
- Manuela Sechilariu, UTC Compiègne, AVENUES, Compiègne, France, manuela.sechilariu@utc.fr
- Bruno Sareni, Université Paul Sabatier, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France, bruno.sareni@enseeiht.fr
- Maria Carmela di Piazza, CNR, Palermo, Italia, mariacarmela.dipiazza@cnr.it
Topics: This track includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
- Centralised, decentralised and distributed control of microgrids
- Design and optimisation of microgrids systems
- Optimized Power management of microgrids systems
- Forcasting methods