Tutorial 3
Ilhem Slama-Belkhodja, Tunisia
University of Tunis El Manar, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis, Additional Functions of Grid-Connected Converters for Power Quality Improvement and Ancillary Services
Nowadays, most of the renewable energy sources, storage systems, home appliances and industrial loads need power electronic interfaces (PEIs) to connect to the main electricity grid or to the distribution network in a microgrid context. This increasing penetration of PEIs brings some new challenges, namely those related to the power quality (PQ) and ancillary services (AS). To face such challenges, advanced controls are developed to add new functionalities to the power converters interfacing distributed generations and storage systems with distribution network. So, thanks to these additional abilities, these devices will be able to improve the PQ and to provide ancillary services like voltage control, peak shaving, backup supply. The tutorial gives an overview of the state-of-the art techniques for multi-task PEIs and describes an experimental laboratory scale microgrid platform to investigate such challenges.
